Events 2025 MAR 6 PHILOSOPHY IN THE PUB TORRENS ARMS, 6PM RSVP MAR 15 HASS SA CONFERENCE URRBRAE HS BOOK APR 4 FACILITATION TRAINING ONLINE (4.30-6pm) FREE BOOK APR 10 SENIOR COI DAY ART GALLERY of SA BOOK APR 14,15 INTRO TRAINING COURSE ED. DEVELOPMENT CENTRE BOOK JUN 5 PHILOSOPHY IN THE PUB TORRENS ARMS, 6PM RSVP JUN 23-27 PARLIAMENT COI DAY ADELAIDE CBD RSVP JUL 14,15 INTRO TRAINING COURSE ED. DEVELOPMENT CENTRE BOOK AUG 28 PHILOSOPHY IN THE PUB & SAPEA AGM TORRENS ARMS RSVP SEP 26 FAPSA CONFERENCE IN VICTORIA – Members Only OCT 4 PRACTITIONERS CONFERENCE EDC – SAPEA Members Only BOOK NOV 20 PHILOSOPHY IN THE PUB TORRENS ARMS, 6PM RSVP NOV 21 FACILITATION TRAINING ONLINE (4.30-6pm) FREE BOOK NOV 27 MIDDLE SCHOOL COI DAY ART GALLERY of SA BOOK DEC 15,16 INTRO TRAINING COURSE ED. DEVELOPMENT CENTRE BOOK Community of Inquiry DaysSpecial days to bring your class along to learn about and engage in the Community of Inquiry. A whole day for either Middle School of Senior. find out more FAPSA MasterClass Webinar SeriesA fantastic series of professional learning workshops online at an amazing price.Join SAPEA today to get the discount code to pay only $10 per session. find out more Philosophy in the PubJoin us for a casual networking get-together where we share ideas and challenges as teachers. find out more Introductory Philosophy in Education Courses We offer FAPSA accredited courses every year. Contact us to find our more.They are offered in person and now online. contact us