SAPEA is a professional organisation that is committed to actively promoting critical, creative and caring thinking.
We support and advocate for educators who foster communities of inquiry; where learners engage in imagination, analysis and innovation to develop dispositions for ethical action.

1) To foster genuine, rational inquiry in classrooms, through the introduction of programmes which integrate philosophical thinking into all areas of the curriculum. Such thinking is represented by the Australian Curriculum General Capabilities, critical and creative thinking and ethical understanding.
2) To introduce philosophical inquiry into schools through systematic programmes of professional-development for teachers.
3) To maintain a network of communication, co-operation, collaboration and understanding among teachers, educators, parents and others who are committed to the fostering of cognitive development in young people.
4) To conduct and encourage research into the practical and theoretical implications of philosophy in the classroom.
5) To promote the production, adaptation and dissemination of curriculum materials suitable for introducing philosophical concepts and methodology to young people.