P4C Certification

P4C (Philosophy For Children) Introductory Certificate

The foundational skills developed through philosophical thinking and Community of Inquiry are critical to every area of a young person’s life.

Philosophical thinking capabilities have benefits to students right now, as well as into the future. As Professor Stephen Mumford argues “philosophy has a low floor, but a high ceiling.” In other words, anyone and everyone can do it.

This course aims to build teachers’ knowledge and confidence in using this pedagogy for maximum impact with students.

Lead Instructor:
Lorelei Siegloff BA(hons) BVA(hons) M.Teach

Lorelei is a lecturer in philosophy for education at Charles Sturt University. She also works as a Community of Inquiry Education Consultant delivering P4C modules to various community organisations and schools.

Lorelei is the creator and lead facilitator for the SA Middle School and Senior School Community of Inquiry Days, held in partnership with the Art Gallery of South Australia.

Lorelei is the current Chair of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Philosophy in Schools Associations.

This course is designed as an introduction to Community of Inquiry practice in the classroom and presupposes no formal training in philosophy or experience in teaching philosophy in schools.

  • 3 full scholarships are available upon application for pre-service teachers
  • Included in the full registration cost for teachers and students is membership to the SA Philosophy in Education Association for 2020.
  • Training is accredited by the Federation of Asia-Pacific Philosophy in Schools Associations (FAPSA).
For our next course
in person at the Education Development Centre (EDC), Hindmarsh.
16th & 17th April 2024


  • $450 per person,
  • $350 for SAPEA members,
  • $150 full-time student,
  • $100 full-time SAPEA student member.
  • This charge includes substantial course materials. 
  • Certificate of Participation provided for 16 hours PD.


  • $650 per person,
  • $550 for SAPEA members,
  • $250 full-time student,
  • $200 full-time SAPEA student member.
  • This charge includes substantial course materials and professional assessment of written assignment. 
  • Certificate of Participation provided for 24 hours PD and FAPSA Level One certification.
  • please note that day 3 will be a day of your choosing up to 2 months after the initial 2 days. Teachers will nominate their day and our Assessor will come out to your school to observe your skills in situ.
  • NEW reduced Institutional Member rate where there are 3 or more registrations from the same Institution: $250 (each) for the Two Day course and $450 (each) for the Two Day course + Assessment!


  • What is the Community of Inquiry?
  • The history and origins of CoI
  • Activities & resources
  • Skills for Argumentation and Dialogue
  • Logic & Understanding the Stages of Inquiry
  • Skills for Facilitation


  • Developing philosophical questioning – procedural & substantive, open/closed, using Phil Cam’s Question Quadrant
  • Developing Stimuli
  • Applying the Inquiry Cycle
  • Activities & resources
  • How to assess thinking
  • Planning for teaching


This is an optional day to achieve certification that is accredited by FAPSA.

  • Applying strategies to your own practice
  • Making links to the AC and Key Learning Areas
  • Making links with General Capabilities
  • Participant run Circles of Inquiry and professional feedback